Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How will we use wearable computers, what will they replace?

The most obvious technology that wearable computers are replacing is traditional desktop computers. At the Symposium for wearable computers one inventor mentions specifically that without his wearable computer he would not be able to use a desktop computer due to a sever lower back injury. However to stop there would be a mistake, laptops or portable computers have already solved the majority of the problems with desktop computers. Even PDAs, blackberries and I-Phones have now made it easier to “bring your computer with you”. The difference is that wearable computers give the user constant access to the computer and do not require the user to do anything except make inputs. This distinction is the basis for the potential of wearable computers; constant access to information, heightened user awareness and improve job efficiency by the user (Mann 1998).

Wearable computers all share the same characteristics. They aim to heighten the user’s awareness and improve the user’s efficiency. It is only logical to say that wearable computers are in the process of and have the ability to replace current technology that is inefficient or limits the user’s awareness.

Technology itself has already given rise to the use of PDAs, that type of microcomputer is extremely popular right now. The future could possible see handheld, replaced by completely hands-free. The mobile phone has physical limitations, such as the size of its screen. Wearable computers with similar computing power, would not have such limitations according to MIT Media Lab researcher Steven Schwartz. (Wakenfield 2001)

An example of wearable computers replacing desktop hardware is keypad gloves. “The proposed glove-based text input device uses the hands themselves as the keyboard rather than any particular device. In other words, ‘one types not just with the hand but on the hand’. With this device, the user can type with one hand on the other” (Shin and Hong 2005).

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